Mathematical Institute IT Status

This page contains notices of planned maintenance, and unexpected longer outages, to Mathematical Institute departmental IT systems. Longer planned outages will also be announced by email.

Please see the IT Services Status page for updates on systems that are managed centrally.

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Completed: 26 Jul 2024, 08:45-11:10

The Course Materials Hub 2023-24 courses were archived and the system prepared for the 2024-25 academic year. Last year's course materials and lecture recordings remain available in the Archive category, but problem sheet submissions and forum discussions have now been deleted.

Completed: 08 Jun 2024, 08:45-09:15

The Course Materials Hub was upgraded to Moodle 4.4.

Resolved: 28 Jun 2024, 22:30 - 29 Jun 2024, 17:00

The server room cooling system failed during Friday's scheduled work on the ROQ site electrical system, causing several key systems to shut down and resulting in a network outage. Essential systems were brought back online around 08:40. Cooling was fully restored and temperatures back to normal by mid-afternoon, and remaining compute systems returned to service by 17:00.

Resolved: 31 May 2024, 12:30-16:30

Nextcloud service experienced an upgrade error which took a long time to resolve.

Resolved: 10 May 2024, 11:00-15:30

GitLab / Git services experienced an upgrade error and were inaccessible.

Resolved: 26 Apr 2024, 09:55-10:45

An issue with a storage server caused Moodle (Courses system) and NextCloud to become inaccessible.

Resolved: 19 Apr 2024, 12:40-13:15

There was an issue with the authentication (LDAP) servers, which affected logins to multiple services.

Resolved: 06 Apr 2024, 18:25-20:05

There was an issue with the email (SMTP) server, which has now been resolved. Incoming email that was sent during the outage should be delivered soon, once the sending server retries.

Completed: 19 Dec 2023, 22:30-23:59

Multiple short (10-20 second) disruptions whilst network is being moved to new backbone.

Resolved: 19 Dec 2023, 15:40-16:20

While upgrading the backbone we experienced an unexpected network outage. It appears this was triggered by a software issue on the switch we are trying to replace. In order to get rid of this hardware, we will proceed with the upgrade tonight. We don't expect this issue to reoccur once the hardware is replaced.

Completed: 01 Dec 2023, 08:45-08:50

The main department website was upgraded.

Resolved: 03 Nov 2023, 13:25-13:45

The Remote Access Portal (RAP) was unavailable due to a server issue. It has now been rectified.

Completed: 08 Aug 2023, 08:30-09:00

The Workflow System was upgraded.

Completed: 18 Jul 2023, 10:00-12:25

The Moodle Courses system was upgraded.